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Sermons: About
Worship With Us

Holy Eucharist: Rite One
(Traditional Language service; no singing)
Holy Eucharist:
Rite Two
(Modern Language with Music)
Worship in The Episcopal Church is both ancient and contemporary; evangelical and catholic; committed to service and worshipping God in holiness.
Our services are based on the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. This central book for Episcopalians and Anglicans around the world unites Episcopalians and Anglicans all over the globe.
Our worship will look Catholic in appearance. Our church has no Pope but is governed by Bishops and Archbishops from around the world. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the "first among equals" but has as much authority over the church as does the Queen over Great Britain.
We believe there is no "litmus test" for membership. We welcome all in the Name of the Master to "come and see."
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